Spin-dependent thermoelectric effect and spin battery mechanism in triple quantum dots with Rashba spin–orbital interaction
1. IntroductionThe efficiency of a material directly converting thermal energy into electrical energy or vice versa can be described by the dimensionless charge figure of merit (FOM) , where Sc is the charge Seebeck coefficient (thermopower), Gc is the electric conductance, κel(ph) is the electric (phonon) thermal conductance, and T is the operating temperature. In bulk materials, however, the value of ZcT remains at about one due to the restriction of the Wiedemann–Franz (W–F) law.[1] In recent years, the study of high efficient heat-electricity conversion in low-dimensional materials has become an active subject due to the effective improvement in conversion efficiency.[2–5] Thermoelectric effects in quantum dot (QD) systems have been widely studied both experimentally and theoretically.[6–14] In the QD systems, the thermoelectric effects can not only lead to considerable values of ZcT due to the strong violation of the W–F law[8] and small phonon contribution to the thermal conductance,[9] but also reveal many novel thermoelectric phenomena such as Coulomb blockade oscillations of the thermopower and the thermal conductance,[11] and the bipolar effect in the thermal conductance spectrum.[14] In the QD systems, the thermoelectric figure of merit can be largely enhanced by the Coulomb blockade effect.[14] Moreover, experiments have demonstrated the capability of measuring the Seebeck coefficients in atomic and molecular junctions,[15–17] which inspires the theoretical study on the thermoelectric properties of nanojunctions.[18–24]
Recently, the spin Seebeck effect has been observed in a metallic magnet using a spin-detection technique based on the spin Hall effect,[25] in which the temperature difference between the edges of a bulk ferromagnetic slab plays a role of the driving force for the spin voltage and spin current. This spin Seebeck effect is an analogy to the usual charge Seebeck effect, and can be applied directly to the thermal spin generators for driving spin current.[26–28] It is more interesting that a heat flow can also been converted into a spin voltage in the magnetic insulator despite the absence of conduction electrons.[29] Using a similar experiment geometry, one also observed the spin Seebeck effect in ferromagnetic semiconductors.[30] The influence of the ferromagnetic leads on the thermoelectric transport properties has also been investigated in the QD systems with ferromagnetic electrodes.[31–34] In addition, the quantum interference effects such as Fano effect, Dicke resonances, and Aharonov–Bohm oscillations have been proposed as methods of increasing the thermoelectric efficiency in the QD systems.[35–39] Thus many efforts have been devoted to improving the thermoelectric efficiency in the QD systems. In particular, the Rashba spin–orbit interaction (RSOI) in the QD was used to produce the spin-dependent thermoelectric effect. In Refs. [34] (single QD system) and [28] (DQD system), the coexistence of the RSOI in the QD and the leads’ spin polarization enhanced the figure of merit of the spin thermoelectric effects. Reference [27] investigated the thermospin effects in parallel coupled DQD under the coaction of the Rashba spin–orbit interaction and the Zeeman splitting in the DQD, mainly involving the effect of the magnetic field applied to the DQD on the thermoelectric coefficient. However, in multi-QD systems, the research on the spin-dependent thermoelectric properties and the influence of the interference effects remains few. In this paper, we study the spin-dependent thermoelectric transport through parallel triple quantum dots (TQDs) with Rashba spin–orbit interaction (RSOI) embedded in an Aharonov–Bohm interferometer connected symmetrically to the leads, in which the coexistence of a bound state in the continuum (BIC)[40] and a Fano resonance results in wide regions in the space of parameters of large spin thermopower. Due to the presence of the RSOI, both the magnetic flux phase and the RSOI phase affect the thermoelectric transport properties. The spin-dependent electrical and thermal conductances, the thermopower, and the figure of merit as functions of the QD energy level are calculated in the linear-response regime. Under the appropriate configuration of the magnetic flux phase and RSOI phase, the spin figure of merit can be enhanced and even is larger than the charge figure of merit. In particular, the thermopower in both the magnetic flux phase and the RSOI phase is studied when other parameters are given. We find that the device can provide a mechanism of thermal spin battery that converts the heat into a spin voltage and induces a pure spin current.
2. ModelWe consider a TQD molecule with RSOI coupled symmetrically to two leads (see Fig. 1). The RSOI is only in QD1 and QD3. The system can be modeled by a noninteracting Anderson Hamiltonian H = Hdot + Hlead + HT, with the QD Hamiltonian
creates (annihilates) an electron with energy
εi and spin
σ in QD
i (
i = 1,2,3), and
t denotes the interdot tunneling coupling.
Hlead describes the noninteracting electrons in the left and right leads and reads
is the creation (annihilation) operator of the electron with energy
εkα, momentum
k, and spin
σ in lead
α. The last term
HT in Hamiltonian
H denotes tunneling between the QD and the electrodes and is expressed as
describes tunneling coupling between QD
i and lead
α and is assumed to be independent of
k. With the magnetic flux Φ threading through the AB ring and RSOI in QD1 and QD3, the tunneling matrix elements can be expressed in the form
where the extra spin-independent phase factor
φ/4 and spin-dependent phase factor
δσφRj/2 (
j = 1,3) are added to the tunneling matrix elements with
δ↑ = 1,
δ↓ = −1,
λL = 1, and
λR = −1.
φ = 2
ϕ0 is the Aharonov–Bohm phase with the flux quantum
ϕ0 =
φR1 and
φR3 result from RSOI in QD1 and QD3, respectively. For simplicity, we have assumed that RSOI exists only inside QD and neglected the interlevel spin-flip since only one energy level exists inside each QD. The spin-dependent phase
βi the RSOI strength in QD
i, where
m* is the electron effective mass and
Li is the length of QD. The magnitude of
φRi can be tuned in experiment by a gate voltage or the QDs’ configuration.
By using the nonequilibrium Green’s function technique, the electronic and heat currents flowing in the system can be written in the forms
fα = [e
(ω−μα)/kBT + 1]
−1 is the Fermi distribution function for the
α electrode with chemical potential
μα, temperature
Tα, and Boltzmann constant
ω) is the transmission coefficient corresponding to spin channel
σ and is given by
Here and are, respectively, the retarded and the advanced Green’s functions in ω space with is defined by the matrix elements with θ(t) the step function. are matrices describing the coupling between the QDs and the leads, whose matrix elements are defined as .
In the linear response regime, the chemical potentials and the temperatures of the two leads are set to be μL = μR = μ and TL = TR = T. In this system, the chemical potential difference between the two leads is related to the spin channel. One can introduce a spin-dependent voltage ΔVσ = ΔV + δσΔVs with charge bias ΔV and spin bias ΔVs. The spin bias originates from spin accumulation. Corresponding, the spin-resolved electric and heat currents can be expressed as
. The total charge current and spin current are defined as
I =
I↑ +
I↓ and
Is =
I↑ −
I↓, respectively. In the linear-response approximation, in terms of
, the spin-resolved electric conductance
Gσ and the thermal conductance
κelσ are given by
, respectively. The spin-resolved thermopower is defined as
. Thus, the charge conductance
Gc and thermopower
Sc can be expressed as
Gc =
G↑ +
G↓ and
Sc = (
S↑ +
S↓)/2, and the spin conductance
Gs and thermopower
Ss can be expressed as
Gs = G
↑ −
G↓ and
Ss = (
S↑ −
S↓)/2, respectively. While the electron thermal conductance
κ = ∑
σκelσ. The corresponding charge and spin figures of merit are defined as
, respectively. For simplicity, we assume
ε1 =
ε2 =
ε3 =
ε. In order to diagonalize Hamiltonian
Hdot, the QD operators are transformed by using the transformation
which gives the diagonalized Hamiltonian of the isolated molecule
in the new subspace spanned by basis {|
σ⟩}. Here
σ⟩ =
σ⟩ and
correspond to three effective molecule states. By using the new QD operators, the Hamiltonian of the tunneling between the QDs and the leads can be expressed as
with the transformed tunneling coupling
For simplicity, we take V1 = V3 = V and V2 = βV with both V and β real, at the same time assume ϕR1 = −ϕR3 = ΔϕR/2. Thus, in the new subspace these coupling coefficients can be expressed as
ϕσ =
φ −
ϕR. Due to the abcence of RSOI in QD2, coupling coefficients
become real, thus choosing the appropriate matching of the magnetic flux phase and the RSOI phase; i.e., some especial values of
ϕσ, may lead to some molecule states decoupling completely from the leads, forming a BIC. In the new subspace, the retarded Green’s function can be obtained from the equation of motion as
. In terms of
, the retarded Green function in the original subspace can be expressed as
. In terms of Eqs. (
8) and (
21), one can calculate the transmission coefficient of the system, thus investigate the thermoelectric transport properties of the system.
3. Results and discussionNow we investigate numerically the spin-depended thermoelectric transport through the system. For convenience, Γ = 2πρ(0)V2 is used as the energy unit with ρ(0) the density of states in the leads. The system temperature T is fixed to be 0.026Γ (the constant kB = 1). The other parameters are chosen as μL = μR = 0, t = 2Γ, and β = 1. In the presence of the RSOI and the magnetic flux, the electron transmission depends on the phase factors, which is presented in the transmission coefficient
The dependence of the transmission on the phase factor can be used to tune the thermoelectric coefficients via . According to the definition of the phase ϕσ, the RSOI phase is equivalent to the magnetic flux phase. However, actually, the influence of the two on the thermoelectric transport is not exactly the same. The influence of the RSOI phase is related to electron spin, which results in some interesting properties of thermoelectric transport. Figure 2 shows the thermoelectric coefficients as functions of the QD level for t = 2Γ and φ = 1.25π, ΔϕR = 0.25π. In general, the conductance should exhibit three resonance peaks corresponding to the three molecule-state levels. However, under the configuration of the magnetic flux phase and the RSOI phase, the coexistence of BIC and Fano resonance can occur for appropriate matching of the two phases. G↓ (κel↓) presents an asymmetric resonance peak near the bonding state due to the Fano resonance in transmission, and the peak at ε = 0 merges with the peak near the antibonding state , forming a wider peak, see Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). While for G↑ (κel↑), BIC appears near the antibonding state and the Fano resonance does not occur near the bonding state, which leads to large spin thermopower appearing in a wide range of energy. Figures 2(c) and 2(d) show the thermopower and the figure of merit as functions of the QD level. Due to the Fano resonance in the vicinity of the bonding state, the spin-dependent thermopower S↓ presents a relatively large value, as a result, the spin thermopower Ss also presents a relatively large value, and the spin figure of merit ZsT is even larger than the charge figure of merit ZcT.
In order to observe comprehensively the modulation of the configuration of the magnetic flux phase and the RSOI phase on the thermoelectric coefficients, we present the thermopower as a function of both the magnetic flux phase φ and the RSOI phase ΔϕR in Fig. 3. It is convenient to consider the contour graphs as a function of two variables (φ,ΔϕR) (the other parameters are ε = 0.01 and t = 2Γ). The spin-dependent thermopower Sσ presents a double-peak structure and these peaks locate at (φ,ΔϕR) = (x, δσx + 4n ± 1/4), where n = 0,±1,±2,…, and x ∈ (−∞, ∞), see Figs. 3(a) and 3(b). The charge thermopower Sc and the spin thermopower Ss are made up of S↑ and S↓. They present a quadruple-peak structure near (φ,ΔϕR) = (4n,4m) (n,m = 0,±1,2,…) for Sc and near (φ,ΔϕR) = (4n + 2,4m + 2) (n,m = 0,±1,2,…) for Ss. More precisely, these peaks, as shown in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d), locate at (φ,ΔϕR) = (4n,4m±1/4) and (4n±1/4,4m) for the charge thermopower Sc, and at (φ,ΔϕR) = (4n + 2,4m + 2±1/4) and (4n + 2±1/4,4m + 2) for the spin thermopower Ss, which can be used to optimize the thermoelectric efficiency. One can also find from Figs. 3(c) and 3(d) that for some specific configurations of the magnetic flux phase and the RSOI phase, when Ss is close to its peak value, Sc tends to zero, meaning that a pure spin current can be obtained near these specific configurations of the phases. In order to see this more clearly, in Fig. 4, we plot the thermopower S as a function of ε for (φ,ΔϕR) = (−1.68,−1.96) (point M in Fig. 3). For this configuration of the phase, the amplitudes of S↑ and S↓ are equal at ε = 0.01, but present opposite signs. As a result, Sc vanishes while Ss ≈ 1 near ε = 0.01, the corresponding figure of merit is only 0.1. Further optimizing the operating parameters, one can obtain larger Ss and corresponding ZsT. For example, for(φ,ΔϕR) = (1.25,0.25), Ss ≈ −1.5 and ZsT ≈ 0.6 near ε = −3, see Figs. 2(c) and 2(d). Hereby, under appropriate matching of the parameters, the system could be considered as an effective spin battery that can convert heat into a spin voltage and induce a pure spin current in the device. Moreover, the interdot tunneling coupling t also has an obvious effect on the thermoelectric properties of the system.
For a given configuration of the magnetic flux phase and the RSOI phase, one can obtain maximal thermopower by choosing the appropriate interdot coupling. In Fig. 5, we plot the spin thermopower Ss as a function of the interdot tunneling coupling t for the configuration of the magnetic flux phase and the RSOI phase. In the vicinity of t = 0.6 Γ, the spin thermopower reaches its maximum .
4. ConclusionWe have studied the spin-dependent thermoelectric transport through a parallel triple-dot system with RSOI embedded in an Aharonov–Bohm interferometer connected symmetrically to leads using the nonequilibrium Green’s function method in the linear response regime. Because the influences of the magnetic flux phase and the RSOI phase on the thermoelectric transport are not exactly the same, the thermopower can be considered as a function of both the magnetic flux phase φ and the RSOI phase ΔϕR when other parameters are given. The contour graphs of spin-dependent thermopower Sσ present double-peak structures in the specific (φ,ΔϕR) region. While the charge thermopower Sc and the spin thermopower Ss present quadruple-peak structures. For some specific configurations of the magnetic flux phase and the RSOI phase, one can obtain the spin thermopower while the charge thermopower vanishes, which is useful in realizing the thermal spin battery that would allow to convert heat into a spin voltage and induce a pure spin current in the device. Moreover, under the appropriate configuration of the phase and parameters, one can obtain a relatively large spin thermopower and the spin figure of merit ZsT is even larger than the charge figure of merit ZcT.